It has been quite a long time since I posted on my blog!
With ever thing going on I thought I would show you,where I first began!
My Country Cottage!
My cottage that my husband build in my back yard, in Connecticut.
He started to buy a shed, he check the prices, he said, Bev I could build one, for half the price
and it will be bigger. So naturally I got involved, with the designing, French doors, a small porch.
So to make a long story short, the shed went from a shed to my Country Cottage. It is so beautiful,
MY STORY ~ Before my Etsy Shop, I always had a flair for Art & Crafts after coming down with fibermyalgia (FM), a long term illness. Up until this point, I thought a traditional full-time job, working for someone else, was the plan. Art was always a part of my life, but now it became my daily routine: painting, home decor, sewing & handmade gifts. Taking the Lord as my partner & my inspiration of creativity & seeing others create, became my passion & dream....As scary as it was & many times I felt alone, of just me & the Lord, it allowed me to see a new path......For many years I kept on sewing, creating, painting, doing many handmade things. I moved everything out into my "Country Cottage" which was my beginning. That my husband Harry build in our back yard.

I taught one- stoke-painting classes & sold many things to shop owners & visitors.
As time went on my health improved, my self-worth became resilient & determination became my goal, I realize it's really up to me. The hard work paid off because I became Owner of "Casual Elegance Boutique" an On Line Business.
Which I sold Shabby Chic items, Vintage for the home, French Décor, Handmade gifts, & Art.
I sewed a ruffle table runner for a table cloth. And I stage it, that was a lot of fun!
It has been a wonderful journey. It hasn't stopped! I realized creativity, isn't a business its a way of LIFE!
OPENING ~ I opened my *Etsy Shop "Vintage Wedding Chic" in 2013
I started with handmade wedding bouquets. Not the traditional bouquet with flowers, all tough I did add silk & fabric flowers, but I loved the ideal of Vintage Brooches, Rhinestones, Pearls, a lot of bling. I guess I'm a bling gal. I like the ideal that the brides could keep it as a keepsake. It is really catching on, many brides like to put the family jewels in their boutique.
One of my Happy Bride & Groom
Peony Silk Flower with a heart shape brooch.
I have decided to put all my time into my Etsy Shop, I love designing
and creating for my brides. I could not ask for a more fulfilling job. I love making my brides happy and
helping them add to their big day by designing a wedding bouquet, a corsage or a flower for their hair.
In my shop I show ~ Vintage Inspired Fabric Brooch Bouquets, Wedding accessories and more
Using Silk & Fabric Flowers
Listing & showing things, that I've created or working on.
Gorgeous Ribbonwork
In my craft room making all these pretties,
Fabric Flowers
Silk Wedding Bouquets
Blush Flower Crown, Brooch & Wrist Corsages
Bridal Fabric Flowers, I made
Bridal Brooch Bouquet, Fabric Wedding Bouquet, Silk Flowers, Cabbage Roses,
Shabby Chic Bouquet
Peonies for a romantic touch to any wedding!
Gorgeous Handmade Mosaic Jewelry
by Beverly Girolomo
Fabric Flowers for your Big Day!
Yes, we don't want to forget the little one, Tutu & Headbands
TuTu & Headbands from birth to toddler
I haven't stop this is just the beginning.
Come &visit my Etsy SHOP
Thank you for visiting with me! You will get a personal touch, that is needed for your Big Day! Do come back again...always adding new things, you don't want to miss! Your satisfaction is my HAPPINESS!
My journey continues ~ Until next time!
Blessings & hugs ~ Beverly